Writing Circles

Writing Circles are great ways to bring the power of creative writing to your organization. Whether you’re testing out interest in creative writing — or want to offer clients something different on a special day — Writing Circles are easy to get started!

If you’re looking for a more therapeutic option — or one that allows participants to be published — check out our Writing Groups program.

A Writing Circle is right for you if…

  • You want to try out creative writing with your client community before committing to a Writing Group.
  • You’re looking to customize a creative writing experience outside of our 6-10 week Writing Group program.
  • You can recruit 10-18 people to participate (the maximum Writing Circle size is 18).
  • Publishing opportunities are not particularly important to you. (If they are, check out Writing Groups.)
  • You’d like to include creative writing in an event you’re hosting.

If a Writing Circle doesn’t seem quite right, take a look at our Writing Group program.

Getting Started

Interested in bringing a Writing Circle to your organization? Fill out our Partner Interest Form!


Lilly Do (she/her)
Program Manager

An older woman with white hair and glasses laughs while holding a journal.

“The Write Around Portland program is a great creative outlet for individuals who oftentimes are unable to access the arts.”

– Art, Home Forward

Program Timeline

We are happy to offer Writing Circles at any time of year — just get in touch! We generally ask for 6-8 weeks’ lead time.

Writing Circles can also be linked together as a mini-series, such as a weekly series of four workshops, or a quarterly series at your organization. We’re happy to learn about your needs and develop a writing experience that will best serve them.

Typically, Writing Circles are two hours long, although we can also provide 90 minute options too. 

What’s in a Writing Circle?


Good news: spelling and grammar DO NOT MATTER in a Write Around Portland session! Freewriting is all about keeping the pen moving and writing whatever comes to mind.


After freewriting, participants are offered the opportunity to read their work aloud. Participants are encouraged to share, but it’s always optional. 

What’s Freewriting?

Freewriting is a tried-and-true writing method developed almost 100 years ago in universities. It has become a tool often used to overcome “writer’s block” and as a way to “warm up” in preparation for putting thoughts to paper.

In freewriting, spelling and grammar do not matter, and writers are encouraged to keep their pens moving the entire time. If they run out of things to say, they are encouraged to continue writing anyway, even if it’s just to write about how they don’t have anything to write. Writers are encouraged to let their mind wander and to write about whatever strikes them at that moment.

What You’ll Need

  • Actively recruit at least 10 and no more than 18 participants to participate in the Writing Circle.
  • Provide a clean, comfortable, and safe space. Must include seating for all attendees; a table is recommended but not required. Allow the facilitator access to the room 15 minutes before the session begins, and allow 15 minutes after the session to clean up.
  • Help cover Writing Circle costs by paying a fee in an amount decided by your organization.
  • Work closely with us to ensure the program is a success for your organization
  • Provide guidance around best practices for working with the people you serve.

What Write Around Provides

  • A qualified volunteer facilitator who has received 27 hours of training and has passed a criminal background check.
  • Weekly support and supervision of the volunteer facilitator by a Write Around Portland staff person.
  • All supplies, including paper, pens, and handouts.
  • Accommodations, as necessary, for participants, including providing a scribe or adaptive equipment if needed.
  • Upon request, we may be able to provide “guided playtime” for the children of participants, as well as transit tickets and large format print materials.

Recent customized Writing Circles

We have years of experience adapting our program to your organization’s needs. Below are a few recent examples of our work!

Four people sit around a table with pens in their hands, writing on journals. They appear to be very focused on their writing.


As a small nonprofit organization, Write Around Portland relies on the generosity of foundations, donors, and partner agencies to support our work.

We do ask each agency to cover a portion of the Writing Circle expense (meaning cash support, not in-kind.) We require that participants not pay anything toward their creative writing experience.

Our standard pricing for a Writing Circle is a sliding scale fee of $150- $600. We ask that larger organizations pay closer to the high end of the partner fee to allow us to serve smaller agencies in our community. We do NOT want price to be a barrier, especially for smaller organizations.

For questions or additional information about partner fees, contact our Program Manager, Lilly Do.

Getting Started

Interested in bringing a Writing Circle to your organization? Fill out our Partner Interest Form!

For any questions, contact Lilly!

Lilly Do, Program Manager


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