Our Impact

Our creative writing program is unique, award-winning, and proven to be effective over the short and long term.

We use a research-backed expressive writing model that encourages participants to write freely without editing or evaluating their work. Generative sessions utilize writing activities, reading, discussion, and other exercises to inspire creativity, build confidence, and promote exploration. Participants write together and are given the time and space to write whatever they like and choose what they would like to share. They listen to others’ work and offer each other positive, specific feedback.

By giving participants the time and space for creativity – along with positive feedback, opportunities for publication, and activities that cultivate joy and celebration – we support healing and help build stronger, more empathic communities.

Through guided creative exploration and the sharing of stories, we help people listen across difference to foster empathy and offer new narratives that resist polarization and stereotyping. We honor, uplift, and celebrate all voices, especially those that aren’t typically heard in our society.

Results from 2024

We wrote with 1,119 people

We hosted 95 creative writing groups and circles

We published two books

  • 95% of participants reported that our program improved their quality of life
  • 95% of participants said that our program improved their confidence or self-esteem
  • 100% of participants said that the program connected them with others or strengthened their sense of community
  • More than two-thirds shared they would use the skills they learned in other professional, personal, or community settings

2024 Testimonials

Thank you for making me and my writing feel special.


I have PTSD and this program really helps me focus.


I was inspired by my group so much. I have already started writing and sharing poetry – a new adventure for me. It was so positive and reassuring.


Writing is fun and enjoyable and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.


Freewrite injected a sense of play and spontaneity into my writing practice at a time when I needed it most. It was great fun to write for a few moments in response to a variety of prompts.


When I think about coming to workshop, I get really excited. It stirs the creativity inside me.


Writing is natural but it can be so difficult. Sharing makes it easier and better. The chance to be vulnerable and share and listen opens doors and fills pages.


I was surprised how much I enjoyed writing. It made me think about things long forgotten, and all of us sharing our stories with each other was really nice. I feel closer to them all because of it. I do have a better appreciation of life because of this program.

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