Writing helps us hold on

Write Around Portland’s Holiday Campaign

“Writing is as close as we get to keeping a hold on the thousand and one things — childhood, certainties, cities, doubts, dreams, instants, phrases, parents, loves — that go on slipping, like sand, through our fingers.”

Salman Rushdie

Dear Friend,

Do you relate to this quote?

I certainly do! I think treasured memories are essential to human survival. Here at Write Around Portland, we get the honor of witnessing firsthand just how sharing memories can change people. And donor support has made that possible!

Recently, we wrote with Eddie, who found himself writing about his Aunt Lizzie. As a boy, Eddie grew up on a reservation in Wisconsin and he experienced the tragedy of addiction in his community. But Aunt Lizzie shined bright. (You can find photos of Eddie at the bottom of this page!)

You can help others access the joy of sharing memories. Your donation of $25.00 or more could help us purchase journals, pens, adaptive equipment, and publish our books.

Eddie had never written about his Aunt Lizzie before. But he realized while writing, that despite “all that heartache she had, she made other people feel better.”

Did you know that research shows that writing can help people establish new perspectives, develop new coping skills, and increase resilience? Your gift can help people most in need. Write Around Portland is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are fully tax-deductible.

Eddie, for one, had an epiphany when he read his published piece at our spring reading. He said, “I was overtaken by emotion. I was reminded that Aunt Lizzie’s life had impact. People got a glimpse of how important she was to me.”

I hope you see how profoundly transformative our creative writing program is. And I hope it inspires you to give today!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support of Write Around!


Chris McDonald (he/him)         

Executive Director and Proud Supporter

cmcdonald@writearound.org | 503-796-9224

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