Featured Writer Kari Baher

Weekly writing prompts encouraged you to ‘break’ from life a bit and just write. It’s fun to see what comes out of the brain and heart!

—Kari Baher

Kari Baher participated in our spring 2021 hybrid online and by-mail workshop at Friendly House for members of Friendly House’s community, recreation and education (CRE) program. Read her piece, “The Edge of the Sea,” below.

The Edge of the Sea

The edge of the sea beckons to me…
“Come stand here and let me carry your thoughts away.
Look what new treasure I bring in with every wave!
Watch your feet, though! Sometimes I come up farther than the time before!
Look at the birds in the air and on the sand looking for nourishment from my waters.
The treasures that wash up could most certainly tell stories of their journey if they could speak!
Stay here for as long as you’d like. I make no judgments. I have no time commitments. I’m here for as long as you need me!
Take in the sights, smells and sounds! Touch the water—how does it feel? Go ahead, remove your shoes and dip your toes into the sand. Isn’t it magical?
Smile here. Cry here. Do a little of both. Go ahead—I do not mind. I’m here for you right now.”

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