Honoring Everyone’s Story
Write Around Portland uses creative writing to help people heal and transform.
We’re a nonprofit fostering respectful, shared creative writing experiences. Since 1999.
Write Around YOU
We partner with nonprofits to bring creative writing to underheard communities where people already live and receive services.
better Together
We write together over 6-10 sessions. With fun and thoughtful activities, we write freely without judging ourselves. No preparation or experience required!
Creative Community
We share our work aloud (if we want to!) and offer positive, specific feedback. Over time, we learn our strengths as writers and listeners, and build a creative community.
Get Involved!

Our creative writing classes are designed to heal.
If you’re struggling, you need artistic expression and connections with people who get you. Join us as we write together, build community, and heal ourselves. So we can fight on for another day!
More Ways You Can Help
Join Inkwell
Inkwell Sustainers give monthly donations to help Write Around plan for the future and reduce fundraising costs.
Become a facilitator or help us operate our creative programming.
Write with Us
Make a gift to support healing through creative writing.
For us, writing isn’t about the finished product.*
Through guided creative exploration and the sharing of stories, we help people listen across difference. We honor, uplift, and celebrate all voices, especially those that aren’t typically heard in our society. We cultivate empathy and compassion. And we publish new narratives that resist polarization and stereotyping.
*Although we do publish collections of our writers’ work!

Serving the nonprofit community since 1999.
Our twist on expressive writing has a profound impact on physical and mental health.
Through programs offered in-person at homeless shelters, prisons, hospitals, treatment centers, senior centers, schools, and other healthcare and social service settings, we reach hundreds of underheard people each year. What could creative writing do for your clients?
“Before this program, I believed that I had absolutely no creativity when it came to writing. After only the first night, I realized I had it in me all along.“
Write Around Portland Participant